
10 Reasons to be Thankful for Pets

There’s no question about it. We love our pets. Why is that? Ask any pet owner and they will come up with their own reasons as individual as the cats, dogs, fish, birds, lizards, and snakes they take care of on a daily basis. For most of us, it is a personal decision and most pet parents will agree on several points about why they are so thankful for their pet or pets.


Pet Anxiety and Stress | Well Pet Post Blog | Lambert Vet Supply

We’re in the last stretches of May and spring will be over before we know it. Already, we’ve experienced April showers and a round of storms, and we’re bound to hear a few more thunderclaps heading into summer. What’s more, in a few weeks, the air will be rattled with an all-too-familiar sound we look forward to every year. Fireworks! Lots and lots of fireworks! However, while we can easily tolerate the claps of Mother Nature and while we certainly enjoy the spectacle of Independence Day celebrations, for our furry friends, summer can be a time of great stress and anxiety.

Dog Health

Learn All About Addison’s Disease in Dogs

If your dog has been diagnosed with Addison’s Disease, also known as Hypoadrenocorticism, she will face some special challenges. Happily, there are treatment options for your pet, but you will have to make special accommodations for him and follow your veterinarian’s advice. Your dog can overcome this health threat, and intervention and treatment can allow your dog to lead a normal, happy life.


Get Rid of Dog and Cat Fleas/Ticks for Good

A pet play date with fleas and ticks is never a good idea. Warm weather will bring out fleas and ticks, all anxious to make new friends with your dogs and cats. Your pet’s outdoor adventures will help start parasite fun and games, but even indoor-only pets can get fleas and ticks. A few, determined parasite playmates may already exist in your home or a flea or tick will hitch a ride on another pet or human to gain access. However it happens, keep fleas and ticks away from your pets with several steps.


Keep Flies Off Your Pets

Yep, it’s fly season again. You can bet they will be out in force as warm weather shows up. Flies get a bad rap and they should. They hang out at horrible places (garbage piles, refuse sites, and sewers) and feed on rotting, spoiled, and decaying matter. They also think poop is a great meal. Researchers suspect flies transmit at least 65 diseases to humans including anthrax, e coli, dysentery, and a lot more deadly illnesses. Pets don’t escape a fly’s wrath either. Biting flies will try to inflict infection and disease on dogs and cats whenever they can sink their choppers on their prey.

Dog Health

Carprofen Use in Dogs – Joint Pain Solutions – Well Pet

So your dog suffers from joint pain and inflammation, has been diagnosed with arthritis, or has just had a surgical procedure? Your veterinarian has prescribed a prescription drug to help with pain management with the active ingredient carprofen. This can come in many forms, including brand name Rimadyl, but other brands like Novox can provide the same treatment for less money.


Pets and Treats – Feed them this, not that

As we pointed out in our recent article about pets and holiday foods, sometimes it’s best to avoid sharing scraps from the table with our animal friends, no matter how much they beg for it. To put it simply: many holidays foods are toxic, even life-threatening, to pets when consumed. That’s why, as an alternative, we are sharing our picks for the most delicious—and healthy—treats designed specifically for pets, all of which you can order right here at Lambert Vet Supply.