
Holiday Food & Pets

Thanksgiving and Christmas are times of great joy, celebration, family get-togethers, and food. Lots and lots of food. And on occasion, no matter how many people you invite over for that big dinner, you somehow end up with a huge pile of leftovers. Meantime, your dog has been begging by the tableside all weekend long, hungering for those sweet-smelling morsels. Now that everyone’s gone home, what could it hurt to share the scraps with him? Well…it can hurt quite a bit, in fact.

Puppy Care

Keeping Dogs Warm in Winter – Well Pet Post by Lambert Vet Supply

With crisp autumn winds sweeping upon us, it’s time to prepare for the changing seasons. (Pretty soon, it’ll be winter, and the red of the thermometer will go down even further!) As you rummage through your closet for sweaters and scarves, double check that you have everything needed to keep your dog warm this winter. Whether your furry friend spends most of their time indoors or outdoors, comfort and warmth are things they need on a regular basis, and you should never assume they already have it.


Holiday Stress and Pets

Halloween is just around the corner, and soon after that, Thanksgiving will be upon us. And then Christmas. And then New Years. And while the holidays, for us, consist of extravagant parties, visiting family members looped around the dinner table, get-togethers with the neighbors, and possible traveling…to our furry friends, it’s often a source of discomfort and confusion. Most animals prefer the routines of their household lives, and so holiday-spawned activity usually means stress, stress, and more stress.

Dog Health

My dog has an ear infection: How do I clean my dog’s ears?

If you own a Labrador, Cocker spaniel, Basset hound, or pretty much any dog with long, floppy ears or a dog who likes to swim, you’re probably an expert at cleaning your dog’s ears, right? Having to battle with chronic ear infections in dogs can be frustrating. As my own dog has chronic ear infections (as he loves to swim and has mild seasonal allergies), it means I’m one of almost 86% of other pet owners who have to deal with ongoing ear issues that have to be chronically managed. To me, this means that I have to flush out his ears every single time he swims… which could be daily in the Minnesota summer! Well, if you and your dog hate ear cleanings, read on for some potential help


Arthritis Treatments Improve Pet Mobility, Health

When your older pet’s get-up-and-go has got up and went, your beloved companion may be experiencing pet arthritis and joint ailments. Just like in aging humans, the joints, bones and their connections wear down in the animal world, making mobility painful and sometimes impossible. However, many of the same treatments pet owners use to ease pain and increase movement for themselves, can also be incorporated into a pet’s health regimen to diminish aches and enhance mobility.


3 Steps to Keep out Pet Fleas and Ticks

Can you believe spring is just around the corner? Pretty soon, temperatures will rise, grass will turn green, and pets who love the great outdoors will be squirming to run around in the sun. However, spring also marks the return of insects…including fleas and ticks. Bearing in mind these parasites are capable of transmitting nasty, potentially life-threatening diseases, it is absolutely fundamental you pest-proof your pet and their surroundings.

Cat Health

Adult Cats Need Healthy Food Options for Optimal Health

Be ready then for your kitty herd to come running when they hear the can opener or the sound of the lid coming off the dry cat food container. No need to call anyone to the cat dinner table because they are always ready to dine. You can relax and give yourself a pat on the back for making sure your precious pets are eating the best, nutritious and quality cat food available to keep them fit, trim, and happy.

Kitten Care

Kittens Thrive on Energy Packed Diets

For new kitten parents, this fur baby will require a tremendous amount of energy derived from calorie-dense, feline-designed food sources to grow and thrive. Young kittens should have entrees high in protein and fat, loaded with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and made for growth. The good news for pet owners is this is a pretty easy feat to accomplish. Pet owners can easily supply the unique nutritional needs for kittens by following some basic guidelines.