Pet Adverse Reactions to Vaccines
Although not as common as with people, adverse reactions to vaccines, or undesired side effects, also can occur in pets.
LVS Blog
Although not as common as with people, adverse reactions to vaccines, or undesired side effects, also can occur in pets.
Aluminum hydroxide, a naturally occurring mineral, is more commonly recognized for treating chronic kidney/renal failure in animals.
Although no wonder cure for kidney disease and/or kidney failure, aluminum hydroxide is often prescribed by veterinarians to manage the condition in both aging cats and dogs.
People who are allergic to pets usually are reacting to dander (pieces of skin that have been shed) and saliva.
Urinary incontinence can be seen in young puppies and kittens but is usually seen in middle-aged to older pets.
Deafness is often difficult to assess accurately mainly because pets are not able to tell us when they have trouble hearing.
Exposure to certain drugs, most commonly marijuana and cocaine, can have deleterious effects especially if not treated.
More than 6.5 million dogs and 12.4 million cats suffer from chronic digestive problems*.
Vaccinations are generally extremely safe for pets, but occasionally, a pet will have an adverse reaction to a vaccine.