My Dog Has Tapeworms!
The scientific name for the most common type of tapeworm found in dogs (and cats) is Dipylidium caninum. Fortunately, canines with tapeworms can be treated easily and quickly with little to no adverse effects.
LVS Blog
The scientific name for the most common type of tapeworm found in dogs (and cats) is Dipylidium caninum. Fortunately, canines with tapeworms can be treated easily and quickly with little to no adverse effects.
When looking for the best heartworm preventives for your pooch, the choices usually boil down to either Heartgard or Heartgard Plus. Although both the chewable sound similar and even offer overlapping benefits to some extent, the two
Coccidia are microscopic parasites that infect a dog after the ingestion of a mature cyst found in contaminated environments. They live in the intestinal tract and can cause Coccidiosis, an intestinal tract infection. Diarrhea is the most common sign of coccidiosis.
Canine coronavirus is a highly contagious intestinal infection specific to dogs, especially puppies. Coronavirus usually is short in duration, two to ten days in most dogs, and may cause considerable abdominal discomfort. Generally, it is considered a relatively mild disease with sporadic symptoms, or no symptoms at all. If the coronavirus infection occurs concurrently with other viruses, for instance canine parvo infection or another intestinal enteric infection, the disease may be more serious. Some deaths have been reported in susceptible pups since they do not have a fully developed immune system.
Diabetes is a condition that affects the amount of glucose, or sugar, in your dog’s blood. This can occur when his body produces too little insulin, stops producing it altogether, or does not respond to insulin. Undetected, this can lead to serious health issues like reduced kidney function, eye conditions, comas, and even death, if not monitored and treated.
Infographic: 7 Signs for Early Warning of Dog Diabetes
Good health is essential in maintaining a dog’s quality of life. When it comes to preventative measures for disease prevention, your veterinarian may recommend a regular dog vaccination schedule against the many diseases which threaten their well-being and sometimes even their lives. Vaccines prep the immune system for fighting off harmful microorganisms which in turn reduces the odds of your dog becoming sick with the diseases they’ve been vaccinated for. Some diseases, such as rabies, canine hepatitis, and canine distemper can be fatal, so it’s important to take action as soon as possible
Around the world, war has been declared! As your dog’s owner, you serve as his 4-Star General and Commander-in-Chief of Parasite Control. You must give the order, administer the preventative, and banish heartworm disease once and for all!
If your dog has been diagnosed with Addison’s Disease, also known as Hypoadrenocorticism, she will face some special challenges. Happily, there are treatment options for your pet, but you will have to make special accommodations for him and follow your veterinarian’s advice. Your dog can overcome this health threat, and intervention and treatment can allow your dog to lead a normal, happy life.
So your dog suffers from joint pain and inflammation, has been diagnosed with arthritis, or has just had a surgical procedure? Your veterinarian has prescribed a prescription drug to help with pain management with the active ingredient carprofen. This can come in many forms, including brand name Rimadyl, but other brands like Novox can provide the same treatment for less money.