Gum Disease in Cats and Dogs

Gum Disease in Cats and Dogs

The cause of gum disease in cats and dogs is the same as it is in people. Gum disease results from buildup of plaque on the teeth. The bacteria in the plaque irritate the gum tissue which leads to inflammation. Beginning signs of this process include bad breath, bleeding gums, loosened sockets of the teeth, and your pet may even limit its food intake because of the pain and irritation.

Luckily gum disease is preventable and treatable. The key is prevention. An effective preventative tool is to incorporate BreathaLyser® Plus drinking water additive into your pet’s daily schedule. Prevention also includes brushing your pet’s teeth on a regular basis with a C.E.T.® Dual-Ended Toothbrush and/or giving him products with the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) seal that are approved for maintaining oral health.

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Regular veterinary checkups that examine the mouth and teeth of your pet are recommended. Many pets, especially older cats and dogs, may require periodic professional teeth cleaning in addition to routine maintenance.